After the launching, we (MD, BQ, CP, LP, Romiko and Me) had went over to Big Apple for high tea. We had ordered 1 dozens of donuts and managed to finished it all up. BQ ate 4 donuts the whole day. My gosh~! LP is roti face and BQ is donut face. haha~! Sweet~!!!! We had talked on today's plan and decided to go over Subang and car poll over to Klang for dinner. LP need to pick up her baby dragun from the paint shop. So all of us waited for her at SS15. CP had went down early to get a table while waiting for us. Thanx again : )
We arrived for dinner around 7.30pm and finished around 10pm. Decided to watch some movie while we're at it. Arrived in Bkt Tinggi Jusco around 10.30pm. Saw something strange in the car park. But that is another story la. kekeke~! Both Incredible Hulk and Get Smart was sold out. CP was too afraid to watch Missing so at the end we decided to call it off and went for supper. So off we went to Bkt Tinggi's Station One. Started to rain even before we ordered our drinks. So we shifted inside. The performer started to sing and the place was getting more and more crowded and too noisy to even talk. So we decided to go some where else for minum session. Ended up at this place called Biz Kafe behind Station One.
The food wasn't that bad as we had ordered french fries to eat. I got this crazy craving for it, don't ask me why. I just do. hehe~!!! I had ordered their Black Venezuela Coffee.
MD had ordered their Biz Coffee. From the look of it, should be nice. At least there's presentation. haha~!
From left: CP's Green Tea Latte (is it??), LP's Ice Biz Chocolate and BQ's Ice Peach Tea. We chatted till around 1.30am and best part is, last call was at 12.45am and they were supposed to close at 1am. haha~! They were all so nice by letting us sit and chat while they clean up. But we need to say bye bye when we saw the time. haha!!! So MD sent us back to Subang Jaya to get our cars. What a night, we chat for so long and the stuff that we chat? My gosh~! hopefully no one outside the circle know. haha!!!! Hope to have another round of this night out again soon.
A Cake For Ruco Chan
I always wonder how it feels to meet my idol, leave alone presenting a cake
to him,* ON STAGE!* It was really nerve wrecking! This was one of the cake
8 years ago
26 Octopus:
Yeah!! What a great time with you guys, and now i'm craving for the fries too, it tasted good, haha~!!
Btw, the drink i ordered was called Ice Biz Chocholate, not Milo Ice la my dear. And BQ ordered the Ice Peach Tea.
hahaha...donut face, not bad. drink is Green Tea Latte.
french fries is my top 5 fast food list and also most fatening food list also. haha~!
BTW, i put ice biz choco or latte also nvm la, all look the same la macam mamak stall punya drink. haha~!
Donut face :P
I wonder can I call her "donut face" in my class next time... :P
I am a member of BKLTL anyway... lol
LP, rem'ber wat we told u tat nite ya!! u will never noe wat will happen in the future!! hehe..
LP, look for the "sign" ~! once u see it, run for ur life. or u can js call us and we laugh together at it. haha~!!!
K- Bear, if you can call her donut face, then we also can call you beruang K , right ?
MD, dun scare LP lah, she will nightmare loh...
CP: U try to call her tht in the class, I "assure" u, no one in the gym can "protect" u la. u knw the beruang K "hug" ar? hug till u die la~!!!! hahaha!!!
CP, im not scarin her, itz my advice to her to be more careful nia..we cant predict anytin in the future, only GOD knows tat...hehe!
pls....i wont call lah, i still want long life
MD: ya la. u know how much saliva we use to "consult" her that nite ar. she must listen la. or else rugi she sendiri saje at the end. haha!!
CP: but nvm la~ she already saw it in here. so not much diff also. haha!! u sure kena this Friday class also. kakakaka!!!
BO, we as a fren alrdy did our job!! up to LP nia..
ya lo~! advice already given. listen dun listen up 2 her .. as long as she dun run crying up 2 us one day asking for help on this la.
do u tink she will run to us?? she still got 1 fella who is very rapat to her ler...her " KM " ( canto ) hehehe...
i know i know .. her KM can protect her ... tht one, see one, kill one .. haha~! or HUG one~! haha!!!
that one can transform lah....
HUG?? cant imagine wen tat person HUG HUG LP, kekekeke...u guys noe wat i mean rite!! hehe!!
MD: oh .. "that person" hahaa!!!! tht one we need to ask LP la ... come come LP, come tell us. kekeke!!!
you all keep saying LP like that, becarefull her KM will transform to ( dun know what beruang or K lah), then ultraman also die !!
LP sdh pandai, jz keep quiet nia..
MD/CP: No worry, if the beruang K keluar, I got the number for the Jabatan Haiwan Liar. Let them hunt her down later. haha!!!
yeah..after captured, can keep in Zoo Negara for public to have a look!! haha!!
then we can sell ticket to earn more income lor
me afraid to go on, later tat Beruang K reli mkn us kao2, kekeke!!
i dun think can la .. very dangerous .. cannot take the chance la .. quickly "yan tou wai mit" already .. haha!!!
PS: ok la, maybe show for 1 week than onli we go yan tou wai mit. haha!!!
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