This is one of the place which served unconventional Claypot Chicken Rice in the market. The place is located in Damansara Jaya same row as the Petronas Station and behind KDU College. Yes, same row with all the cyber cafes. The name of the place is Busy Corner Restaurant. I had started visiting the place since 6 years ago. Yes, that long.So this time around I had decided to bring Romiko and BQ over to try it out. So I had ordered my favourite dish which is the Thai Style Clay Pot Chicken Rice. Yes, Thai Style, which means it's a bit sour and a lot of onions. Not many people could accept the flavour but I like it. As it's different from the others that I had.
Next is the original Claypot Chicken flavour which the two like better than the first. Well I don't blame them. But for me it's just OK. So I ordered a small portion compared to the large which I ordered for the first claypot. lol~!
I had also ordered their Yau Mak which was alright. What is claypot chicken rice without some vegetables right? They do served soups and all but I wasn't in the mood for it that day. Other then the two flavours, they do offer Black Pepper and also Prawn (which is the most expensive). They claimed that they need to change their claypot every week due to the heavy cooking from the business they had. So you decided if it's really that nice. (Rating: 3.8 out of 5.0)
A Cake For Ruco Chan
I always wonder how it feels to meet my idol, leave alone presenting a cake
to him,* ON STAGE!* It was really nerve wrecking! This was one of the cake
8 years ago
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