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Thursday, July 24

Meeting Old Friends

I went for an important appointment last evening and ended around 7pm. So decided to called BQ up for dinner. But I guess she's still in the class. So I drove back and a got a call from an old friend. Aldred had invited me out for a drink with Ken around 9.30pm. But I tried to make it as early as possible as I need to leave around 11pm. So I went back to bath and finally we confirmed to have a drink at Sri Petaling.

We had a long chat catching up on each other's life and work. Ken just got back from H.K while Aldred is planning for a new career. How nice. Both of them are my good friends before I changed my job and joined FF. We used to come out for drinks and clubbing. But as time goes by, we are tight up with our own life and work that we didn't have anytime to meet up. Am I really that busy? This is what Aldred told me. Maybe I am too indulged into FF sometimes. Work and gym, that is my routine nowdays. Someone once told me that life is more than just work and gym. Well maybe I will take her word and try something new.

2 Octopus:

Anonymous said...

ya ya ya...change lah...go married

BaBy OcTopUs said...

Not everything also need to get marry one la~ still got a long way to walk .. :)

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