The night started off quite slow for me. Luckily IM was there for Body Pump tonight. Got motivation to carry extra weights. My technique still need to be improved on the squats. Well practice makes perfect, right? Finished the pump class and continued with Combat as usual. This is the highlight of the night as I am doing K-Bear's first combat class since the launch. Surprised me babe. : ) OK la, 99% passed. I give you that. We (as in me and K-Bear) sang a lot during the class. BQ always gave me a face when I started to sing. Hmm....weird~ You called it SS or whatever, but I am enjoying myself. LOL~! Tonight's class wasn't that tired maybe because I was more motivated doing it. Motivated by ??? I don't know either. It just come. Hopefully it stays. Something I learnt, our mind can't be distracted when we're doing the tracks or we will really forget the chore. haha~ Lesson well learnt~!
Pump Weight: Warm up: 5kgs; Squats: 17.5kgs; Chest: 8.5kgs (need to increase); Back: 10kgs; Triceps: 7.5kgs with 2.5kgs kick back; Biceps: 5kgs with 2.5kgs for bicep rows.
A Cake For Ruco Chan
I always wonder how it feels to meet my idol, leave alone presenting a cake
to him,* ON STAGE!* It was really nerve wrecking! This was one of the cake
8 years ago
2 Octopus:
LOL... not bad hor... from 40% to 99.99 %!! Only after one class at MM! pat pat my own shoulder..
LOL.. I was very semangat tonight too.... Yeah!! singing all the way... I only know how to sing with aero mic! :P
Like I said, practice makes perfect. haha~
IM was pointing at your weight during Triceps and I increased mine to 7.5kgs. KNS~! I asked him to increased his since I am the same as him. haha~ Funny~!
No worries, you confirm got semangat to sing when I am around. We are singing kaki ma. haha~
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