Happy Wesak Day~! Not sure whose out there is celebrating it but just wanna wish it out. Today I went to Klang to have lunch with Romiko. Saw a lot of people crowding the Buddhist Association along Jalan Kemajuan heading towards USJ. So I decided to go for whole vegetarian lunch. Called up CP and asked him for recommendation in BKT.
He had instructed me to look for a restaurant with a BIG VEGETARIAN Signboard outside on the corner lot. But we found 2 restaurant with the same description. So no point asking anymore, choose one and just go in. ( I think I got the right one as this is the one nearer to Satey Kajang, hehe~!!) My gosh~! The place was packed. A lot of people were queueing up to take their food from the counter and even paying up for their food. 
This is what I took. Hmm...not much of a vegetarian meal but it's still vegetarian la. I know, a lot of flour and potatoes. But I like it ma. haha!!! It's quite cheap I guess. Less than RM 10 for both of us plus two glasses of flower tea.
62 Octopus:
I also wishto take vege yesterday, but cant find in my work place....
been so looooong din makan vegetarian food..sometime, it can be very tasty & nice provided u go to the right vegetarian shop!!
i agree. But MD, you can take vegetarian meh ?????
yup~! once a while is super ~ but i take a lot of flour actually. haha!!!
this place is nice. next time we go makan .. hehe~!
CP, wat make tink i cant eat vegetarian wor???
aiya~ we all can eat .. but not all the time onli la` i can eat all the time but cannot all vege la .. must mix with the flour stuff which looks like meat one la. haha!!!
MD, I though u onli " jia ba" nia.....lolz
Jia Ba or Jia Sai or Jia Si Mi Lan also nvm la~ as long as dun Jia Lat~! haha~!!!
Yeah.. must mix with at least something looks like meat la.
I quoted "CP, wat make tink i cant eat vegetarian wor???"
Ok, let me answer on his behalf. Because you only eat NICOTINE, don't you?? Wahaha~!!
give me 5....1st time your word got meaning !!!!! lol
Super KNS~!!! but u learn fast~!!! good one~!!! MD u "tio ching" liow... haha~!!!
he also "tio" bomb
wah so power ar? bomb also come out already ar? haha~!!!
BO, yea, tis LP reli learned a lot, not like last time wen we started noe her, she is very quiet, now walaueh..damn pandai " char " ppl..
CP, u KNS INFINITY!! i reli kena bomb liao, haha..
of course la. joined us sure learn fast one la~ now ppl got "support" already ma.. sure talk also power la. haha~!!! anyway, now we need to divert to the other sister already .. haha~!!
Aiyo, we all are fast learner mah. Btw, got to say thanks to MD cause he taught me this, haha..
I wondered who is my "support"???
That one got name for you called lor, Blur Queen, kena bomb she also dun know lah....
LP, Super KNS, KNS, KNS!!
itz not me who taught u lar, ur " sifu " is BO!!
haha~~~ KNS~! dun drag me into this mess la~ i am on neutral ground one .. i dun teach .. i js learn .. haha!!! all i learn i learn from U~!!! kekeke~~~
BQ die already also dunno what happened one la CP. she so bz go play FB ma nowdays .. hehe~!!!
no no no, people now so close with others lah.....lolz
u are rite CP, i oso din noe tat they become so close in a very short period of time!! wakakaka..
wah who is "others" la??? so close?? how close? keke~!!!
BO, u cant tink of tat felow meh?? sooner u wil noe lar..
actually got 80% confirm la ... js wanna increase another 20 more percent onli ma .. hehe~!!! later guess wrong very pai seh one la~!!! keke~!!!
u are smart enuf to tink of it lar, aku pandang tinggi2 kat awak!!
dun pandang so tinggi of me la.. i am js an octopus .. so i swim in the water act cute onli .. hahaa~!!!
jgn lar pandang rendah diri sendiri!!
KNS, wher is tis CP?? dun tel me, he go to LM buat farewell again ar??
No la ... me low profile ma .. or else later under the radar kena shoot and mati buta .. haha~!!!
CP not workin mer??? u saw his tagline ar?? haha~!!! funny sial~!!!
go all the way to LM buat farewell. KNS, dia punya bapak buka SHELL ka???
ya hor..beter low profile!!
i tink CP offline mode ler..i oso duno wat he tryin to say in his tagline lar!! sekali hidup macam Aleximon den sekali berdiri di tengah2 simpang!! nanti aku lempang baru tau!! haha..
nvm, CP kaya maa..
ya la~ SyiokSendiriInstructor onli told me tht js now ... sekali cakap hidup macam dia nanti cakap dia diri kat simpang jalan. macam manyak keliru la u punya kawan .. MD, orang sakit jgn lempang la .. nanti mati bro .. haha~!!
oi LP u pergi kaunseling kat dia la ..
ya lar, SSI pun ada beritahu aku, sekali itu sekali ini!! tak tau apa dia mau cakap!! dia mungkin macam kita kot, pagi2 sudah keliru!! haha..
aiya~ itu SyiokSendiri punya Instructor juga ada bagi tau u ka? Dia punya manyak Syiok juga la ..
CP kalau tak tau nak pilih kiri, kanan atau terus jalan, thn pergi naik teksi atau bas la ... tak payah pikir... hehe~!!!
aiya..itu SSI hari2 pun syiok punyer ler..apa yg dia tau buat lagi selain daripada syiok!! hahaha..
like CP alwiz say, go " jia sai " lar, apa lagi mau berdiri di tengah2 simpang!! nanti dia mau nyanyi lagu " dipersimpangan delima " liao..version 2008 dari CP!!
kakaka~!!!! nama sudah SSI so takpe la~ orang tau juga akhirnya.
CP dunno why always cakap "jia sai" also la??? he really like that much pumya ka??
CP's version of Dipersimpangan Jalan ... kena duet dengan Nora already ini~~~
hahaha..nanti dia nyanyi dgn nora, keluar semua kata2 " kns, jia sai, bkltl " lar..nora pun sdh blur2..
Sungai5 punya version ma... sure ada sikit hokkien dalam itu lagu punya la~! haha!!!
kakakaka..good one, BO!! aku guarantee mesti hot lar lagu dia nanti.." Dipersimpangan Jalan " lagu hot terkini campuran bahasa melayu & hokien, ciptaan CP dari Sungai5.
tapi ada ka orang nak beli .. dengar nama saje sudah ketawa tak kering gusi~!
tapi itu orang dekat mana sekarang ar?? memang tak cukup kecoh tanpa dia kat sini la??!!!
mungkin hanya peminat dia dari Sungai5 aje..
aku pun tak tau lar, dia pegi mana!!
dia diri kat mana punya jalan? kena call dia la~ or else kita mungkin "hilang" satu sahabat yg kadang2 suka diri kat tengah jalan punya la~
cepat2 cal dia, aku tak mau kehilangan satu sahabat lagi yang kini sudah " tiada dlm gambar "
ya la~ kita orang tak ade banyak lelaki punya kawan dah .. lagi2 kita 2 orang saje la~
u tau la, LP tu pilih kawan. takde engineer title atau Honda tak payah keluar dengan dia ... tak syiok la macam itu~!
Wah.. KNS
Aku tak tau ur orang buat kacau kat sini juga, ingat hanya tu aje. No wonder sibuk betul la..
Minta aku pi kaunseling dia buat apa?? Ingat aku cikgu dia ke??
memang LP nie pandai memilih, 2 biji mata dia kat atas kepala!! mana lar nak layan kita dua org yg takde title!!
apa boleh buat?? ini lar takdir kita!!
2 of you hor, one word I can give" sibeh sibeh KNS" . I only few hours tak de, now become like this. What lagu tu ? tak pernah dengar pun....this post is abt vegetarian, ok ????
CP : haha~ welcome back CP. u c la. few hours onli can become dead pun tak tau apa belaku in here. haha!!!
MD : ya la', orang punya mata kat atas kepala la .. so lagi baik kita join BQ lain kali .. moga2 dia tak "dicemari" olek LP lagi la~! haha!!!
pergi lah, I mana ada buka Shell, I kena bayar ler. tapi boleh tahan lagi lah. Tak macam orang pergi subang, lagi pandu ke klang. Itu orasng ingat minyak itu mineral water meh......
wei...BQ sekarang banyak close to seseorang ler...dia mau kita campur ke ?
haha~ itu orang punya bapak buka mineral water ka? mineral water lagi mahal daripada petrol la CP. hehe~!!! tapi tak apa la, sebab dia punya SSI dekat sana ma~ hehe!!
BQ?? hmm..3.tak tau dia la... dia blur2 punya, tak tau bila OK bila KO also .. haha!!!
itu " ten prawn ten prawn " memang blur selalu tapi takpe kita blh train dia ma..mcm kakak dia skrg dah jadi smart!! tapi dah smart, kita dua org kena balik pulak!! hmm..tak mengenang jasa baik kita nie..memang " kacang lupakan kulit "
moga2 dia tak macam adik dia la~ memang macam "jari bengkok keluar tak bengkok dalam" tapi kakak dia memang kena guna manyak masa train la~!
guna byk masa pun takpe sebab kakak dia ialah last hope kita..hehe..
haha~ thn we need to shoot her more already la .. tht is how she will learn wor ..
Tak yah la buang masa, nak ajar itik menyanyi ke? Kaka!!
KNS~! u punya kakak blur macam sotong saje tapi bukan slow macam itik la~ haha!!!
kalau nak ajar, slow macam siput pun boleh ajar punya~!!!
Maksudnya bukan dia slow macam itik, apa la. Bangun la BO ni..
Mana ada itik tau menyanyi? u buang masa aje
my gosh~! this thread is really getting out of hand la~ talk also in malay slang already .. haha!!!
itik ka, angsa ka, sotong ka ... whatever la~~~ boleh ajar punya~ haha!!! kalau ada HATI~!!
aku setuju ngan BO!! kalo ada hati, semua masalah blh dibereskan!! tak mcm org tu, permintaan tinggi, dah lah mata kat langit, apatah lagi jenis yg suka engineer & Honda!! lepas tu, tak mengenang jasa baik org lain pulak!!
dia ada HATI tapi tak ada tempat untuk kita saje nia.
HATI ada Honda, Engineer, Manager ... mana ada tempat untuk kita la~
PS : Mark sudah pandu dia punya Honda Civic .. plastic also belum koyak.. hehe~!!!
biasa lar BO, org selalu pandang tinggi2, mana ada gi pandang bawah!!
woohoo..pasti org itu sdh pernah duduk dlm Honda baru tu..
mungkin2.... LP kata suka hitam dia juga beli hitam ma~ mesti a udang di sebalik batu punya~~!!
kakakaka...bukan2, sepatutnya
" ada LP dibelakang COM "
aiya~ macam mereka cakap ma, setiap lelaki berjaya sure a perempuan kat belakang "support" one ma~ hehe~!!
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