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Tuesday, July 15

Battle of the Sexes #1

I was listening to my favourite radio channel 988, while driving to work this morning, when I heard an interesting topic. There was this segment where the DJs will read a letter/mail from the listeners and try to give some suggestion from their point of view and also accepting call ins, to help the mailer.

So today's question came from a girl (Lovely) who asked if she should accept a guy who confessed his love for her. Here's the catch, the guy just broke off with his girlfriend 2 days ago. His reason was, he's in love with this girl (Lovely) while still with his girlfriend previously. So should she accept him?

Come let's discuss bout this. haha~! I think it's an interesting topic as guys and gals gave different opinion on this matter.

36 Octopus:

BaBy OcTopUs said...

As for my opinion, guys are selfish pigs, so if a girl came by and confess, I might accept. haha~!

but for the girl's case, I would just suggest how much she love this guy and decide.

Anonymous said...

if the guy one leg with 2 boat, and break off with his current gf and with the other girl..

if the other girl accept this guy, then she still need to face the same problem later...: )

My opinion is...ask that guy go jia sai lah...

hmmp...sorry, im so rude just now...

BaBy OcTopUs said...

haha~ true also la~

cause on the last caller was so funny. she said, if the guy treat the girl as a "float" or sui po after separation with his gf.

thn the girl (lovely) can just bcome a sailor and "step" on a few boats also. funny~!!

nvm la, this is an open discussion board, no problem one~! kekeke!!!

Anonymous said...

Quote: "if the other girl accept this guy, then she still need to face the same problem later..."

I somehow agreed with CP. Yes, it's true. He might do the same to you in the future.

But it also depends on the girl's feeling toward the guy la. Sometime, Love Is Blind. This.. also applies only to some of the people, not all.

BaBy OcTopUs said...

Yup~! It's true but like u said, love is blind.

if her feeling towards him is strong, than you can't do much to accept it :)

cause girls think with their heart and guys think what they see. haha~!!!

Anonymous said...

true also, sometime need to consider what is that girl thinking. If she think that she is the winner of this game, then she will be the looser in next round.
the winner always the guys..

Anonymous said...

It simply depending on HOW MUCH RISK that the girl is willing to take, basing on How STRONG is her feeling to this guy.

You generally do not accept a love just because it is right infront of you. :) You need to hv the same feeling towards that person, No?

If she rejected that, she might miss the love of her life; She took it, she might get hurts later in the future, or things might turned out good. No one knows.

However, generally, 'generally' I will TRY not to start a relationship with someone just broke up. It might be the rebounce effect. :)

Just my 2 cents

BaBy OcTopUs said...

CP: No, u can't say that the winner is always the guy .. but in this case maybe. cause sometimes girls do this to a guy also.

And u knw most guys got a d*ck for a brain one la .. haha~!!! sure accept one la ..!!!! kakaka!!!

BaBy OcTopUs said...

K-Bear: If she is willing to consider to accept or not. I guess she had some feeling towards the guy in this case.

Just that she's not over with some doubt that the guy is truthfull or not. But u will never know.

So gurls will always follow what their heart says. It's rugi sometimes also lo.

Anonymous said...

so my opinion still wish that girl not start it, be friend 1st....

BaBy OcTopUs said...

OK la, that is ur final answer than. :)

but hor, they already fren one lo .. so no changes is it? cause if just pak tor but not confirm if it's really a couple thn more confusing right? haha~!

Anonymous said...

If they have been friend for so long, be patience and hang on for longer bit will not hurt/rugi. Not that without Love/Gf the guy will die kan?

If they guy really likes the gal, he shoudl understand and stay status quo until the gal is confidence in him :) If he cant live without having a gf.. then, no lost also, for the gal.

Thing is, If the gal is very very firm, she will not call and ask for comments; If she called, meaning that she is not sure, so why rush into a relationship when she is unsure? :P

Hm.. I know, macam tak answer pun kan? LOL

BaBy OcTopUs said...

K-Bear: Hm.. I know, macam tak answer pun kan? LOL - "U r so CORRECT~! haha!!!"

Anonymous said...

Interesting comments but i feel they have been over-analysed. bottom line is, does the girl feel that this is the right guy i.e. soul mate. If yes then why care about other things or other people. If not soul mate, then screw the idea of having this guy in your life, brad pitt or not. We all want life to be meaningful so make sure he is that. Then again if he is a good looking with a good physic, having lots of sex with him can also be meaningful. No one has to know. Don't have to marry. Why not, you only live once. Atleast your life is meaningful, who cares about him.

selfish pig

BaBy OcTopUs said...

K-Bear: But the thing is that, the guy said he already in love with this girl while in his previous relationship. so he might have broke off the current one to be with the girl (lovely). so does that count for something?

Anonymous said...

yup, that girl not firm, that why call to radio ask for help...

BaBy OcTopUs said...

Yes~! this is the answer i wanna hear, straight forward no BS kind of answer .. but hor Mr. Pig, can put ur writting in paragraph ar? super hard to read ler ..

BaBy OcTopUs said...

I quote "Then again if he is a good looking with a good physic, having lots of sex with him can also be meaningful."

Define meaningful?

Anonymous said...

For once, I agree with you, selfish pig :)

You only live once.

Bottom line: The Instinct

However, Having Love doesnt mean the 2 ppl are meant to be together..

BaBy OcTopUs said...

This brought me to the 2nd question which I wanna raise.

Do you rather choose a partner whom you LOVE or Have Similar Interest, to be your life partner.

this is a topic they discussed some weeks back. A good topic.

Anonymous said...

BO, meaning something as in? :) Whether it means that the guy is truly in love with the gal already? Or meaning that the guy has a tendency to double date?

There is no standard answer in LOVE. Love itself involves all kind of Risks, everyone interpret that differently.

My motto : Never try Never know.

You are not marrying this person like tomorrow. You may analyse a person, but should not over-analyse.

Communication is the foundation of all relationship.

When I mentioned "If the gal call in, she is unsure, If she is unsure, that means NO. If she is sure, she need to seek for advice."

Anonymous said...

When I mentioned "If the gal call in, she is unsure, If she is unsure, that means NO. If she is sure, she need NOT* to seek for advice."

BaBy OcTopUs said...

K-Bear: My question was for Mr.Pig in his/her statement.

Belum Cuba, belum Tahu, Sudah Cuba, Tiap2 Hari Mau .. haha~!
But it's true, u won't know if you don't give it a try but sometimes you look onli, u know no need to try already. haha~!

Well sometimes, ppl call js for an assurance, they had the asnwer in their heart but they wan someone to agree with them. so if anythin happens, thy could js blame on someone else. it's a human self defense mechanism.

Anonymous said...

Exactly la... On your last statement.

BaBy OcTopUs said...

I quote "If the gal call in, she is unsure, If she is unsure, that means NO."

-that is not always the case for my opinion. Cause sometimes we wanna agree on somehing but too scare to make the decision ourself. So we need someone to agree with the decision we're gonna make.

Anonymous said...

Meaningful existance is nothing but ones own perception. Whether there is heaven or hell or whether we will be recycled into another life after death is never proven.

So actually there is no such thing as life after death. When you're gone thats it. All finished. What matters therefore is life on earth. Its now. Do things that makes you happy deep inside and hold it like its the only posession you can call your own. In other word its actually your MEMORY.

Many people have mistaken it for soul. However you call it, its what in our head, that harddisk that keeps on recording our life. That's why many people attempted suicide, they want to switch off that harddisk. Too much bad memory.

Therefore make sure we are always on a look out for good memory to be recorded. It will make life worth every second.

selfish pig

BaBy OcTopUs said...

Mr.Pig: "Meaningful existance is nothing but ones own perception. Whether there is heaven or hell or whether we will be recycled into another life after death is never proven" - u google or wiki the word "meaningful" and paste in here ar?

BaBy OcTopUs said...

Mr.Pig: "Therefore make sure we are always on a look out for good memory to be recorded. It will make life worth every second"

-our eyes is like a lense and our brain is like a HDD. but it's not like a camera in terms that, we can't switch ON and record what we like and OFF when we don't.

We just need to learn how to accept wht we doesn't desire and hopefully it will turn out better the next time we "sees" it.

Anonymous said...

If you find similar description in Google or Wiki then someone must have had the same idea. My thoughts are not new, many people have arrived at the same conclusion. But if the words are same then someone is reproducing my writing without my permission. Its ok anyway, my lawyers are only interested in big money not my insignificant complaint.

You mean you can't control your HDD?

Try meditation or try this, place a processing chip in between your lense and HDD, it suppose to process and select. Make sure chip is of high quality. So that information is properly processed. If not you'll turn into what is commonly known as confused individual like Hitler and Saddam Hussein.

By the way, considering your case, do you have the urge to inflict pain unto others, do you find getting angry at little things upset you, do you drink your own urine and think it has medicinal value. If so, your chip is damaged. Please replace.

Haha! Just pushing you around. Always enjoy a good joke between blogger.

selfish pig

BaBy OcTopUs said...

But hor, where u find this chip ar? Intel or AMD chip? How to insert in between my HDD and lense la. Than how much will it cost? Do

I need to replace/upgrade this like normal prcoessor chip in the market?

You know hor, nowdays the manufacturer all pushing for higher processor's speed. So difficult to follow la.

Was just pulling ur leg there Mr.Pig. haha~!!!

But hor, Sadam and Hitler chip is ciplak from taiwan one la. tht's why so many problem. kakaka!!!

Anonymous said...

Like it or not, we all have to go Intel Pentium. I'm sure you heard AMD always crash. Just like the one in today's polititians head.

That's why they always give stupid answers to real questions.

I heard Intel Atom is getting popular. Low power consumption with reasonable speed. Hahahaha!!

selfish pig

BaBy OcTopUs said...

Cause last time they all go for cheap stuff. AMD is around 60% of Intel price only.

So all politician software nowdays already corrupted. they didn't upload the new firmware also.

Intel is definitely the way to go now. But I heard that AMD already out with their 8-core chip in the States.

Imagine that in the head of our future politician. With Dual Core chip thy can do so much damage now. How much damage can they do with 8-Core?!! We can only wait and see~! hahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

wow..tis post will be hot topic if evrybody comment their own opinion!! it will be nvr endin..keke!!

BaBy OcTopUs said...

Ya lo, u tak tau pi mana whole morning also. haha~

But it started off as an open topic for all to share their opinions.

Didn't realized that it was getting such good response. Should do this again once a week or so.

Anonymous said...

i bz tis mornin ler..not like u all..yea, make sure itz an interestin topic.

BaBy OcTopUs said...

Yup~! no problem :)

Js something to share around. Can release tension a bit in the office. hehe!

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