Woke up quite early today around 8.30am as I wanted to finished off my weekly report this morning. Why? Cause I got plan this evening. Managed to finished it around 10.30am. Took my nasi lemak breakfast and continued with my Diablo game till 3pm. Yes, you heard me right. 5 straight hours of non stop gaming. haha~!!! Send my niece back to the nanny's house and went to Giant for grocery shopping. Dropped my mom and SIL back and rushed to Sunway Pyramid. Today's movie is Hancock. Cindy text me yesterday inviting me for movie and I finally agreed this morning after I managed to finished off my report. So Romiko and me meet up with Aaron, Cindy and Wanie in the cinema around 5.30pm. The movie stars Will Smith (John Hancock) a drunk and run down superhero who do more damage while saving the day. So the city of Los Angelas had enough of his attitude and decided to sent him to jail. Jason Bateman (Ray Embrey) who Hancock saved one day invited him home and meet with his wife played by Charlize Theron (Mary Embrey). Jason planned to re-packaged Hancock up while he's in the slammer. And so the crime rate increase and the city had no choice but to call their only superhero. The whole movie was not bad at all. It's not those smash them up hero flick that we all see now days. The story shows how human a superhero can be.
And remember don't leave the cinema yet after the shows end. Wait for 1 minutes when the credits is coming out. There is a short scene at the end. Funny scene~! (Rating: 4.0 out of 5.0)
A Cake For Ruco Chan
I always wonder how it feels to meet my idol, leave alone presenting a cake
to him,* ON STAGE!* It was really nerve wrecking! This was one of the cake
8 years ago
43 Octopus:
BO, your blog always got pop up advertisement lah.....
huh..movie pun tak ajak...
Ya la, I think I know what already ... will try to delete the widget and see how. Cause at home it doesn't pop up.
KNS~! Macam u tengok wayang got ajak me oso .. haha~!!! Like I said, Cindy they all ajak one. Limited tix.
hahaha...this wednesday watch hancock...
haha~~~ KNS!!!! watch Incredible Hulk la. going to go down already ler .. u watched already is it?
Yeah.. no more pop-up, cool~!!
Hey guys, if wanna watch movie this wednesday, then have to let me know asap lor, im gonna book the ticket. But i dun think i manage to collect the tickets this time ya.
ask BO collect lah...he always got 2 hours lunch...wakakaka..
BO need to check firs cause not always can go out tat long if got site testing. wat to watch?
The Missing?!! but MD watched already
Hancock? but I watched already
Incredible Hulk? CP watched already?
Hell Boy II??? Out already ar?
Im not yet watch Hulk lah....
hell boy II out this thursday !!!
im BACK!!
any movie will do but not The Missing! the rest ok!!
Thn Watch tht Orang Hijau punya movie la. MD ur back... cool~!
So confirmed Incredible Hulk? Any objection?
okok....try to booked it, orang hijau...HULK
TGV Sunway Pyramid
The Incredible Hulk
Wed 9 Jul
6 tickets
Seats H1-H6
side seat ah. pyramid again ? haiz...no summit meh ?>
There is only 1 side as it's in a small cinema. Ok mah, the seats are not bad.
Btw, Summit all fully booked, no choice.
LP: TQ for the booking and so efficient also.hehe~!
CP: Nvm la, side way ma side way lo. Janji ada movie tengok la~
All: Tonight gonna discuss bout this Fri, Sat and Sun plan la. Had a long talk with MD. We need to plan it all out.
And Yes, Orang Hijau is Good~!
CP, why u sooooo choosy!! pyramid oso can watch maa..
BO, wher u now?? ofis??
pyramid jam mah...
Aiyo CP... since when u need to take your own ride to the place?
I'll give you a lift to the mall la..
MD: U know where I am by now . haha~!
CP: U c la, need girl to offer u a ride ... si beh pai seh la ~~~~ haha!!!
LP: can come pick me up from puchong ar? haha!!!
CP, dun gv excuses!!
LP, me oso need to be fetched, hehe!!
ai yor....we all car pool mah...our petrol paid by ourself wor...
so everybody wait at subang lah...hehe
later cant find parkin again wif tat " people " in the car!!
true also la .. that "people" if "sui" hor memang susah dapat parking later la ... sigh~!!!
LP: We all wait for u at Subang and car pool ar? hehe!!! :P
tat "people" need to bath " lok yau yip" already....i think !!!
haha~ but hor, actually where 2 get this leaves ar?? can buy or need to go into the jungle to find one ar? haha~! or bhind ur house ada??
Ipoh got a lot !, dun you heard Ipoh " Lok Yao"
haha~ is it? true also wor ... but need to go down soooo far to buy mer? here noone distribute one mer? u go take franchise thn sell la ... sure business Booming one la~ haha!!!
first of all, CP muz take bath wif tat " lok yao leaf " hahaha!!
if I need use " Lok Yao leaf", then you need bath with virgin guys urine lor
no prob!! u get it for me!! ARE YOU??
U c la. We nearly cannot find a place tonight MD. U knw I knw why la ... luckily both of our "wong-ness" maaged to surpress his "sui hei" hahahaaha!!!!!
i alrdy predicted, hard to find parkin, luckily we managed to find one wif our " wong-ness " hahaha..
Ya lo~! I think if onli one of us onli in the car also sure cannot witstand his "sui-ness" already ... kakkaka~~~~
Oi~! Pagi2 dun cakap pasal "sai" la ... not yet bfast ler .. hehe!!!
CP memang BTC!! kekeke!!
just wanna say that in my reply .. hahaha~! morning2 already BTC ~!! kekeke!!!
wah lao....MD now only masuk kerja ke ???
haha~ can online already ar bro? ur company's streamyx got problem right this week~!
CP, i start work at 9am ler..jz tat im bz jz now.
BO, yup2, no prob liao!!
Oic, CP ur FREE hor that morning. never see u reply so fast b4 last time. haha~!!!
hahaha....business a bit slow...
Ya la~ Market seemed slow nowdays. ppl also not willing to purchase anything.
but the ppl seemed to be very busy also. cause i called my customers also hard to get them.
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