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Tuesday, September 2

HaPpY BiRtHDaY My BaBe

Happy Birthday to my dear girlfriend, Romiko. Yes, today it's her BIG BIG day~! Sadly I need to work today as I got list of appointments to settled before I leave the company. So she was home waiting for me to come back. Managed to finished off my appointment early and went back to see her. Decided to have dinner outside when I got a message from MD. At the end, Romiko, me, MD, LP and CP went for TTDI's Claypot Loh Shi Fun. We had a tons of food and almost couldn't finished off the noodle. Sent Romiko back to BKT as she need to work tomorrow. Drove back to Uptown to join the rest for minum at Oldtown. Yes, it's oldtown again. We had contributed a lot of money to both Canai Cafe and also Oldtown this year alone. lol~! Long drive down South tomorrow, so need to rest early.

7 Octopus:

Anonymous said...

thank u so much~~~~~~~~~~~

^^ miss u~ >.<~

Anonymous said...

no problem bi :)

miss u too ~~~ ^_^

Anonymous said...

yer....beh tahan.....

BaBy OcTopUs said...

kakaka~ wei ur msg in the FB for ur fren lagi beh tahan la~ hahaa!!!

Anonymous said...

Happyyyyyyy belated bday Romiko

Hope you had a great time... and wishing you many many happy returns


BaBy OcTopUs said...

thnx on her behalf .. hehe~!

good news to u babe, elcerdo still ON .. haha!!!

Anonymous said...

thank u ~~~ LGM

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