Continuing my eye infection episode from yesterday, I had finally decided to apply MC for the day since the swelling become worst. Well not as bad as it seemed anyway. I am just looking for an excuse to take leave maybe. So I slept till around noon and drove out for lunch and confirmed my issue with the doctor. The doctor said that it's due to some nerve blockage which some of individual will often encounter, me for instance. I can't do anything but just accept it from the sound of her. Got my medicine and most important my MC.
RPM class was really quiet tonight with just 5 members and I managed to request 2 tracks before the class starts. Before class, I quickly placed two step boards in the main studio as BQ wanted to joined BS tonight. Luckily she made it in time. Tonight was my first class instructed by June K. So as usual, I will give my feedback on the class. We did the new BS 77 warm up and during some part of the warm up, she got the chorey mixed up but I guess it's alright since it's her first class after some time a I heard. Vocal was clear as she's also the presenter for BA. Her moves are on the spot although some pre-cue would be nice. I still think that Brian's pre-cue is still the best from all the classes I'd been to. My ankle seemed to be 90% in tip top condition after tonight class. Continued with K-Bear's class but I am so damn tired after the two previous classes but still managed to finished it. Triceps and Biceps were crazy. But we had survived the class.
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