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Sunday, November 23

Yoga = Haram???

I was really surprised when I saw the headline today. Fatwa council deems ancient form of exercise from India 'haram' for Muslim. In other words, Yoga is non-Halal. Their main reason was that yoga had been practiced by the Hindu community for thousands of years and incorporated physical movements, religious elements together with chants and worshiping, with the aim of “being one with God”

Because of this, they believe/claimed that it is inappropriate for Muslims to do yoga. The council is declaring that practicing yoga, when it comes together with the three elements, is haram,”. While merely doing the physical movements of yoga without the worshiping and chanting might not be against religious beliefs, Muslims should avoid practicing it altogether as “doing one part of yoga would lead to another”.

Muslims, were discouraged from practising yoga even as a form of exercise as it would ultimately lead to worshipping and chanting, which is against Islam. After studying the matter, including the history and purpose of yoga, the council decided that it was inappropriate for Muslims as it could affect one’s faith.

I can't say that I agree with them but what is the logic of that? It's just an exercise. Don't they realize that they are doing one of the Yoga pose each time they prayed to their God? As long as they know what they are doing and have a strong believe, I don't think that it is any issue in this at all. But people tends to blow everything out of proportion. What's next? We can't do Combat as it promotes aggressiveness and competitive among each others? Well we can always trust our local society or organization to come out with some really interesting and outrageous remarks in the future bout god knows what.

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