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Thursday, October 8


I was just chatting with LC yesterday bout this. It's quite common to hear that someone accidentally deleted their whole phone book nowadays. Especially if you are using an iPhone. I was thinking to myself, how stupid can that people be? I mean, don't you know how to back up your phone book to your address book??!! Common sense what??!! Well, talk bout the devil, it happened to me tonight. So let me explain how this happen to someone that clever.

I had over 300++ contact in my phone and I had back up to my address book few weeks back. But I had altered a lot of the contacts using my phone and sync it back to my address book. By doing this, iTunes will automatically copied all the originals contacts to my current phone book. Damn it's so irritating to see all my contacts double at that point. So I deleted it manually, mind you it's 300++ contacts. Fed up! I deleted all my contacts in the address book. BIG MISTAKE!! I sync again tonight and it DELETED ALL MY CONTACTS as there was no contacts left in my address book. FUCK!!! How can this be??!!!

I didn't know realized it at the beginning until I got a miss call from 'anon'. There was just numbers. And I checked my mailbox and all the names had changed to contact numbers. FUCK! Quickly checked my phone book and it only left 5 numbers. OMFG!! Major head ache!! My contacts. My friends, my business partners, customers, relatives ... how, how, how??!!! Stayed calm and I a light bulb lights up on top of my head. Ah Ha! Lets just say I managed to retrieved all my contact at the end. LOL!! Eat brain one ma, dun pray pray!!

5 Octopus:

Anonymous said...

wa liaooo

read yr tagline tot u lost yr toy...

then read... ahahahha padan muka...cos u so CLEVER deleted phone book (bit panic for u oso)

Well, GLAD to hear eat brain hor, and all iz well... still managed to get it all bek...so I no nid to send u my contact...

Nite sotong...

BaBy OcTopUs said...

dun pray pray ... sotong power ma .. you tot i 10 udang mer??!!! lolx!


aleximon said...

my contact still got or not ?

BaBy OcTopUs said...

ur contact i wan to delete also cannot la .. kept returning like virus .. lolx

aleximon said...

sweat !!!

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