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Friday, July 31

Friday Night Rush

It was Friday and I was really looking forward for the day as I am gonna get my new gadget tonight. But since there were some delay in the shipping of the phone so I am still waiting for the call from Maxis. They told me that it would be around 8.30pm when I will get my phone. So I thought why waste the night waiting and decided to join my usual RPM class. It wasn't as full as usual (6 members). Joe did some of my favourite tracks tonight. Tried to pump myself as much as possible as there was no Body Step class afterward. It was replaced by the special theme Bollywood dance class. Finally they called me around 7.30pm and informed me that I can go over to collect from SS2. Damn the traffic was so terrible that night. Took me 35 minutes just to get there.

There are already a few people waiting for their pre-booked phone like me. Finally it was my turn and I paid the remaining payment and they activated my phone straight away. No time to fiddle around with my new gadget as I need to rush back to gym. They were already doing Track 5 when I arrived. Changed my shoe and did Track 6 to 8. Since babe wanna have something to bite, we had our supper at Asia Cafe. Need to call it a night early as I got an early drive back my hometown the next day. Gonna fully charge my new baby up and get ready for my journey tomorrow.

Mental Note: RPM: 560kcal & BC: 260kcal (Track 6 - 8). Total of 5,100kcal for the week.

Thursday, July 30

My Future House Site Visit - Jul 09

It's been a month since my last site visit to my house. So I thought why not to go over yesterday to check it out and see what is the progress. Surprisingly it was really fast. I can see that the walls had been cemented compared to my previous visit. It's really nice to see that the house is coming into shape. Already thinking of the locks smith and planning for the master key concept with my friend today. There is really a lot to learn from the whole process. Getting the most competitive price on tiles, paints, grills, kitchen cabinets and this must also come with good workmanship too. Really lots of stuff to think about. Hopefully I can get the vacant possession before the stipulated date and I think I will by the rate they are going now. One more year and it will all be ready. Yes!!

Personal Note: RPM: 580kcal; BC: 360kcal (Track 4 -8).

Wednesday, July 29

Stupid Stupid Jam!!!!

I was practically stuck in a jam most of the day. As I need to meet up with my brother at USJ 1 this morning, I had used Sunway toll and turning down into KESAS towards Shah Alam. There were already a crawl before entering the toll. Damn~! After 5 minutes of waiting finally I had passed the KESAS toll but it took me 25 minutes to get to Summit. WTF?!!!! It was so jam. No accident, no block, just normal traffic. Is it always like this? I mean, I don't usually use this road at this hour of time. Previously I used the road behind Sunway to come out to Jalan Kewajipan to Summit and it's not that jam. And when I am coming out of USJ around 1pm, it was another jam at the intersection of Giant and Summit. After navigating through the traffic I was stuck again in another jam in front of Summit. WTH?!!! Got to Sunway and another big jam continues to follow me. I think I had wasted more than an hour in a jam today. I know some of my friends who had to face this kind of jam each day and I just wanna say that I salute you all. I will die of frustration if I am in a hurry. Stupid Stupid Jam!!

Personal Note: RPM (Challenge): 810kcal

Tuesday, July 28

Totally Nonsense !!!

I was really surprised when Maybank (MBB) sent me a letter yesterday informing me that they will debit the Fire Insurance amount to my loan at the end of the month. WTF??!!! I thought that this case is closed last month when I shown them the letter. OK, for those who is new to this, let me explain. I bought a house and it's under construction. Bank send me a letter asking me to pay for the Fire Insurance during this stage. See any problem? HELL YES!!! This is because if you are buying a property and the property is still under construction, the insurance of the property is the responsibility of the developer. You only need to insure the property only upon vacant possession (VP) from the developer. DUH?!!!

And they still sent me a letter informing me that they will debit the amount into my loan account. So I went over to their office this afternoon and asked the same girl again. Shown her the letter and explain the above. I think they know about this and I am not the first to had raised this issue. She told me that they will credit the amount out from my loan account ONCE THEY HAD DEBIT IT. I was like, HUH? WTH?? Didn't you heard me on the first time?? Why are you still debiting the amount into my account even though you're gonna credit it out later??? It's procedure. Cause they can't credit it out if there is nothing debited. I was dumbfounded. What kind of reason is that?? I now know why the officers are so busy now and why there so many paper works over there, cause they are doing double work. Cause we're all living in THE Boleh-Land~!

Personal Note: BS: 610kcal; BC: 730kcal. (Yes, I skipped BP class tonight, Yeah!!)

Monday, July 27

A Slow Monday Class

The whole night started with a high and ended with a low for me. Arrived and set up my board as usual and saw Sarimah with the other staff who is involved in the coming Biggest Loser Asia show which FF is sponsoring. So Riyo was explaining to her what she is expecting tomorrow as the filming begins. Anyway, was a bit annoyed that someone placed her board right behind mine. Hello! It was so freaking close. Luckily I was able to move a bit to the front. Track selection was alright but I did max out my work out tonight. Continued with RPM class and managed to choose some bike before the class start. Finally I found a bike which I am comfortable with, No. 13. Tonight's track was really tough and the song were all really good. We did California Dreaming and Voodoo People. Track 6 and 7 was really tough too but I don't really remembered their names. But still my BPM didn't reached 100% tonight but it did surpassed 90% even during Track 2. Sweet~!

Walked up to continued with Body Combat. I think I didn't saw Malaysian Idol for some time now. So LP decided to took up the space. During track 4 the women next to me (those who know who I am referring to) kick me twice. And she didn't even wanna say SORRY!!! WTH??!!!! Play dumb is it?!!! Track selection was alright but since I didn't wore my gloves tonight, so felt a bit demotivated. It's really true, once you get used of it, it's really hard to do combat without it. Felt a bit naked. LOL!!! Anyway, I still try to man out my work out even though it wasn't my night. Was thinking whether to do Body Pump tomorrow and who is replacing Sue P. for 4 weeks.

Personal note: BS: 500kcal; RPM: 610kcal; BC: 690kcal.

Saturday, July 25

Dinner @ DaoRae with Friends

It was Saturday and I just had nasi lemak in for breakfast the whole day. Reason was that I am keeping my tummy for the dinner that we're gonna have tonight. We had a get together and dinner with the gym members tonight. It was at DaoRae at USJ Taipan. We had tons of delicious food. This has got to be my best Korean experience to date. Totally fall in love with their barbecued cuisine. We had pork, lamb, chicken and beefs too. So I can say that we had tried all of their meat although they do have other type of sauces to offer.

What do you know, we even have some birthday cake tonight since there were someone else celebrating their birthday. Surprisingly the cake was really nice. After dinner we had second round at the nearby Station One with K-Bear, LGM, Jason and his wife joining us. We had lots of fun talking and laughing the whole night. Sadly to say that one of our friend couldn't make it for the night since she is over down under at Australia right now. Last but not least, if it's not for this special some one I don't think this dinner will materialize, Alex. I would like to wish my friend a Happy Birthday, May All you Wish Do Come True for You and Do Take Care of Yourself.

Friday, July 24

That Is A Big Figure??!!!

It was just me alone doing RPM tonight as MD wasn't able to make it. So how was the class? Well checked my BPM during Track 2 and 3 but it wasn't that high compared to my previous classes. I can feel that my hear beat wasn't that fast too. But at the end of the class I still burned as much as I normally do. Well that is the main objective I guess. Since MD wasn't here tonight, I quickly ran to the studio next door to joined Body Step class. Class wasn't that pack and the resistance wasn't that high too. Well I guess I can't complain much as I should know what to expect by now. Catch my breath and continued with Body Pump class.

I was thinking to skipped the Squats track as my legs was a bit sore even during RPM tonight. But since it's K-Bear's class, so must give a bit of face to her. But I did reduced my weights tonight for the Squats. My gosh, Chest track was so damn tiring. I'd totally forgot how tough was the track. Biceps was a bit disappointing dear, Bring Me Back to Life didn't actually delivers. LOL!!! Finished the class and chat with LGM and K-Bear outside while the rest of the gang was doing Body Combat. I think it's more of gossiping though. Walked in during Track 5 and continued from there. Didn't know why but some of them walked off during Track 6, too tired? Was really giving it all since it's the last class and wanted to burned as much as possible from the 3 tracks (not including Track 9 & 10). A surprising 350kcal was burned during the few tracks. Not too bad. Didn't went for supper with the girls since my handphone's battery went off on me. Can't wait for tomorrow's dinner at Do Rae. Heard that it's a very good place and I can't wait to feast myself with all the beef. Yummy~!! Wait for my food blog updates.

PS: A staggering 2200kcal was burned tonight. And a total of 7385kcal was burned during the whole week. Time to treat myself with some good food this weekend.

Thursday, July 23

How Much Does Friendship Cost?

Friends. How do you measure friendship? The time you know each other? The things that you would do for each other? The things that you know about each other? Well different people has different kind of opinion on this. You can know someone for 10 over years and they can still be a stranger to you whereas someone can be best friend when only meet for a couple of weeks. Why am I asking this? Well I have this friend who I know since kindergarten if my memory did not disappoint me. We are not that close during school time but we get together after she came back and was looking for a job in Malaysia. We got to know the same bunch of friends and this group of friends had become (or so I always felt) very close.

So why am I blabbering right now if it's so good? It all started when both of my friends got married. Everything had started to changed but we didn't really realized it at that point. We thought that all of us are just busy with our work and life. Things started to get strange at some point where they don't really wanted to come out for a gathering but again we thought that they are just busy. But it was really pissing us all off when they don't even bother to answer our calls or replying our text messages. Is it that hard just to reply a sms? I know you have a baby and all. But who doesn't? Does that mean that all the people with babies would just stop down with their life? How long does it takes to reply a freaking sms? Or even pick up a call when we're calling? This is not one time or two but for many occasion and not just happened to me but our other friends from the group. They would only contact us (me) when they wanted to know something. Other than that, they are invisible at all time.

Was really pissed off when I found out that they didn't bother to reply my friend's message asking for a gathering cum dinner yesterday as our friend were passing out their wedding invitation. Oh man, how long could that be? If you're busy, call or just send a freaking sms to us. Totally pissed. Mental note, no wedding invitation for them in the future. Sigh!!!! They used to be the coolest couple and all but now, everything changes. I know we all have our own priority in life and that changes when we have a new member in the family but does that necessarily means that you can just throw all your friends (good ones) a side? So again, I would wanna ask, how do you weight your friendship.

Wednesday, July 22

Body Combat 41 Sizzler (Updated)

Sorry but no posters yet for the new release of Body Combat 41 for now. So be patient and I will upload it once I had it. The filming was actually done 2 months ago at Aussie but since LM had make it a serious issue to keep a tight lip on the release and all hence the update being done now. Anyway, you can starting to see there's a lot of news of the new release popping up in the web nowadays, so there's no point holding this back unless being told so by LM (but I am not an instructor). Since they're gonna film Body Combat 42 next month I don't think LM mind us giving some sneak preview of the Body Combat 41 for the time being.

So here goes. The theme for the new Body Combat 41 would be 'Backyard Brawl'. Both Dan and Rach were dress in casual Red Nike Top (with the word Backyard Brawl) and black knee level shorts. No pictures were allowed during the filming but you can probably find it in the web as I did. I don't have the complete track list yet for the release so bare with me here. Nick Skitz remix of Numa Numa starts the upper body warm up with Kelly Clarkson's My Life Would Suck Without You on the lower body. You can see the Jab, Cross and Bob Combo will be back on the upper body warm up whereas the back kick is back during this release as it had disappear during few releases back. There is some uncertainty on the second track if it's Operation Blade by Public Domain which is similar to Body Pump 71. Well the feel is the same and all. Just think We Will Survive from Body Combat 37. The combo starts with a Treble Elbow & Double Knee Combo.

As usual since Body Combat 37, the forth track started off with Enter Sandman by Metallica. It features the new move Double Handed Plyo Push. The song continues into second half with some new e-kick. It's not similar to the previous 'jump as high as you can' e-kick but just a small 'hop' while doing the e-kick. As for the song, it was confirmed to be P.O.D's Boom. Dan had decided to modified the e-kick as he feels that not everyone could jump that high while doing the kick. So it's just a little hop instead of a super high jump that we all did previously. Ballroom Blitz will be featured again for Track 5. It was last featured in Body Combat 6. The last recycle for Body Combat 6 was done on the last release for Tubthumping. I heard that the chorey was a no brainer for this one. Quite similar to Tutti Fruitti I guess. Just expect a lot of running in this track.

For Track 6 we have Robbie William's Let Me Entertain You. When I think about the song I will imagine Biceps track from Body Pump 41 but in this case more towards Tae Kwan Do. Tough like a nut. The track is some sort like Shut Up and Drive from Body Combat 34. So it means that it's a kick katta track. We did Side Kick, Knee and Back Kick but now it's another Knee. Well just to give you some rough ideas what to expect. Nothing much was said on the Muay Tai so I guess it isn't that spectacular. I heard that it's more towards a rock song then the usual Techno mix. Track 8 will be featuring Cascada's What Do You Want From Me. Yes, Cascada is back again to take down the house during the last Power track. It's a recycle track from Body Pump 68's Back Track. So expect a powerful climatic finale from this one (hopefully as powerful as What Hurt The Most from Body Combat 38).

We will all be doing lots of circular crunches or Circle Situp (as they called it) which I think something similar to Sound Of The Underground from Body Combat 24. The track would be similar to Body Pump's Chest track which is Flo Rider's feat. Kesha's Right Round. Last but not least we will all be cooling down with Beyonce's Halo. There is a new stretch called the Downward Dog which focuses more on the Hamstrings and the back for the legs. Will update this post again once there's any new update on the track list. Till then, Fight On.

01a.Dragostea Din Tei(DJ Ross Radio Mix) - O-Zone
01b.My Life Would Suck Without You - Kelly Clarkson
02.Music Is Pumpin - Radical Rhythm
03.Slow & Steady Rush - Random Attack
04a.Enter Sandman - Spock
04b.Boom - P.O.D.
05.Ballroom Blitz - Dave & The Extras
06.Let Me Entertain You - Bodytronixx
07.Desolation Row - Krakaw Kreativ Kollektiv
08.What Do You Want From Me(Squad-E Remix) - Cascada
09.Right Round - Flo Rider Feat.Kesha
10.Halo - Beyonce

Tuesday, July 21

Welcome To Malaysia Again

Had a filling lunch today but not too much or too much fat in it. Cause I wanted to push myself again tonight for some extra classes. Well it's the same actually as my normal routine but just that I am doing RPM again tonight after Body Pump class. As I mentioned yesterday, I am going over The Curve tonight for some (superstar??) classes. First class was Body Pump by our own TL together with Frank (M'sia) and Andrew (Singapore). Someone was really upset tonight that it's not Andrew from Hong Kong. LOL!!! Damn the tracks selection by Frank is so old (well maybe cause of his age. haha!!!). Squat track was so tough though, I think there are at least 12 sets of 4 bottom halves with 3 each time. Never did this track before so a bit lost. While doing the cool down, realized that it's already 7.30 and quickly ran down to RPM studio.

Luckily Wanie and QQ registered for me. Well it's not a full class but still, thanks babe. So it was four us and I think another 8 more members in the class for the whole session. Andrew came down and did for a while. The class was conducted by Don (Thai) & Milin (India). They are still doing some new releases as India had just launch RPM not too long ago and the club is less than 2 years old (I heard). After the class we went up for my third class. Surprisingly it's not full also. Well look at the bright side, for a non existence class which is created at a last minute, it's considered good to have more than 20 members in it. There were Janis, Don, Kwan (Thai), Alvin & another women from India (which I forgot her name). Since India haven't officially launch Body Combat 40, so she's not really familiar with the track. We did some old tracks like Hardcore Paradise tonight. Sweet~!!!

PS: Total calories burned tonight is 1800kcal. Hmm ... not bad. And again, Body Combat burned the most calories. Weird~!

Monday, July 20


As usual my routine for the evening would be doing classes at The Curve. Walked in and saw Don & Kwan. Then Riyo informed us that they are here together with some other instructors from other countries for some quarterly meeting or some sort. So they will be doing some team teaching classes at The Curve tomorrow. Saw the time table for tomorrow classes at The Curve. Some superstars (some would say) line up for classes like Body Vive (Jac, Tommy & Teoh), Body Pump (Frank & Andrew), Body Jam (Leo V & George), Body Combat (Don, Kwan & Janis) and RPM (Don & Milin). So most probably I will be here tomorrow again for Body Pump continuing with RPM and Body Combat, since Brian and Sue P. wouldn't be teaching at Wisma Consplant tomorrow. I think Body Jam class is gonna be very pack tomorrow.

On with the classes, had my HRM on and was monitoring my Body Step class and I burned close to 500kcal tonight. But RPM was a bit more with close to 600kcal. Surprisingly Body Combat burned the most with a whopping 800kcal. My BPM was off the chart for both Body Step and Body Combat classes with over 100%. Wow~ My heart was beating that fast. RPM was not far behind with 95% max. I think I can burn more during Body Step class if it was a full 1 hour class but still the resistance of the board need to take into consideration during the class. As for RPM, we did Children for Track 6 and it wasn't the peak of my BPM but rather the last track. During Body Combat I can still feel that my metabolism still working and sweats are still pouring out. BPM hit 100% during Track 4 and 5. Legs are a bit shaky tonight after the classes. Gonna rest to recover in time for tomorrow's classes.

PS: Didn't know that you read my blog too. Yes, you who I talk with in the locker tonight. LOL!!

Ah Beng Jokes

What is the best way to brighten up your Monday Blues? Some Ah Beng jokes of course. Enjoy~!

Ah Beng : Doctor, in my dreams, I play football every night.
DR : Take this tablet, you will be ok.
Ah Beng : Can I take tomorrow, tonight is final game.

Ah Beng : People consider me as a 'GOD'
Wife : How do you know??
Ah Beng : When I went to the Park today, everybody said, "Oh GOD! U have come again."

Ah Beng comes back 2 his car & find a note saying 'Parking Fine'. He writes a note and sticks it to a pole 'Thanks for complement.'

Q: How do you recognize Ah Beng in School?
A: He is the one who erases the notes from the book when the teacher erases the board.

Ah Beng : Why are all these people running?
Man : This is a race, the winner will get the cup
Ah Beng : If only the winner will get the cup, why others running?

Ah Beng told his servant: 'Go and water the plants!'
Servant : 'It's already raining.'
Ah Beng : 'So what? Take an umbrella and go..'

Sunday, July 19

Day Out With Friend & Home Alone

It's nice going out with friend during the weekend once in a while. Since babe need to attend her friend's wedding and she's the bride's maid so we won't be meeting up this weekend. So I called up my usual suspect of friend to have a day off. Started with our usual morning dim sum session but this time around I had suggested to have a try at Jin Xuan. It was a long queue but we only waited for 5 minutes. We started our shopping from Low Yat but didn't found anything interesting to buy. So we head towards Sg. Wang and Lot 10. Managed to get some food for myself as Isetan was having a clearance on their Japanese food. Walked to Pavilion to have some coffee at Austin Chase.

Since Malaysia Sales was going on, there were a lot of people in all the department stores. But didn't found anything to buy or anything to buy YET. Saw some shirts from G2000 but decided to buy it later with babe. Headed back to Sg. Wang and have another long walk before decided to have dinner at Soong Kee. After a delicious and fulfilling dinner we headed to Petaling Street for a walk. There were a lot of stuff to see but I wasn't that excited this time around. Well maybe cause I was here not too long ago with babe.

After a long walk, we decided to called it a day and headed back home. Bath and put on a good movie to watch, Watchmen. It's a 3 hour long movie. Had the BluRay Director's version which I downloaded. Heard a lot of mix review of the movie and decided to watch it and decide on my own. It was a dark story told upon superheroes in a realistic world. It tells the real life of what superheroes faces after they retired and not needed anymore by the society. Action, Sex, Violent and Good Scripts had me stick to the LCD whole night. It's not a movie for everyone but for those who like to stop and think of each scene and what the ending would be. An unexpected ending I would say. Not many movies nowadays that can surprise me anymore and this is one of them.

Friday, July 17

Happy Birthday Cindy

This year like any other year, we celebrated Cindy's birthday and this time around the venue was Bruno's Restaurant & Bar at Jaya 33. As usual, I arrived the earliest as I live the nearest. Cindy & Aaron came after that and the rest came one by one. Jason was so funny cause he was at Jaya One while we're at Jaya 33. The rest arrived and we started our dinner but sadly it wasn't as good as I remembered it would be but then again, it's the company that matters. We all had a lot of fun mocking each other and making fun of each other. Jason was snapping away pictures of us all with his phone and sending it to FB. My shirt was the talk of the night as it was so cute and all of them wanted to have a picture with me. LOL!!! Nice dinner with good friends. Priceless~!

Wednesday, July 15

What's That Button For?

As usual RPM class at Uptown tonight and was able to registered for BQ tonight. It was just QQ and BQ with me tonight. We did some real tough tracks again tonight. Well it's a challenge class and they don't called it Challenge if it's not tough, now won't they?! Was fiddling around with my new gadget before the class. Everything was set and it was time to do the first track when QQ told me to press START on my watch. LOL! Totally forgot that I need to press START. Silly me! At the end of the class, I checked on the watch and I had burned off over 700 kcal. Not bad (I think). Cause I heard that you can burn over 1000 calories is it in RPM? Still have a lot of functions to figure out. QQ showed me her Polar F6 series which is a bit more stylish. And Lillian's F11, well don't even wanna go that far. LOL!!

QQ was supposed to replaced Vincent's class tonight but since there was only one guy in the class so they decided to canceled it. Well BQ was hesitant in the beginning to join but after some brain wash by yours truly, she decided to join but it was too late as QQ had already canceled the class. So we bathed (separately of course) and I decided to go Murni tonight (as Old Town as a bit too boring for me). Had ordered their Roti Special and wasn't quite full yet. So we decided to ordered their Spaghetti Meat Ball. Yes, Murni served that too. Portion was large with 5 freaking BIG meat balls. Taste was alright and portion was very generous. We're all full at the end of the last bit. Gone home a full and happy guy. There goes my 700 over kcal down the drain.

My New Toy - Polar RS 200 HRM

I had been thinking of getting a HRM (Heart Rate Monitor) watch recently. Reason was, I wanted to know how much I had accomplish during a class (i.e RPM, Body Step or Body Combat). I had asked QQ on this as she has one herself and she told me to get something good and she mentioned the brand, Polar. Her watch itself cost close to RM500. OMG! It was so expensive. I was thinking of a range between RM200 - RM300+ maybe. So I browsed around the net and found out that Hi-Velocity is the sole distributor for the brand in Malaysia. And their office is just nearby mine. Drop by today and checked out what they have to offer and the consultant had recommended me some choices. I had mentioned that I am an indoor cyclist and he straight away know what to recommend me. I wanted something which could show me my heart rate and total calories burn during my exercise. This is the two main features which I look for.

He had recommended me F4 & F7 from the Fitness & Cross-training series. Both item will dry my wallet up RM369 & RM489 respectively. I wanted something with F7 functionality but with F4 pricing. Then he recommended me another model, RS200 from the Running Multi-sport series. It has the same features as F7 and more. The price tag for this baby is RM569. Oh yeah really nice to hear that, NO! But they were clearing some stock and he gave me a whooping 30% discount on the watch. So it's RM398.80 after less. Everything I needed. But QQ had recommended Pro Bike at Taman Megah, as a lot of instructors bought over there. So I decided to go over and check it out. They are selling at RM599 with additional 20% discount. HUH??? Showed him the price which Hi-Velocity gave me and the boss straight away agreed on the pricing and gave me another additional discount since I am such a good buyer. So at the end I got what I wanted without burning a hole in my wallet. Damn I am so good at negotiating prices.

Tuesday, July 14

A Change Of Plan

Was sms-ing Master T this afternoon when he informed me that he will not be teaching tonight due to his sore throat condition. So I had asked BQ to checked online who is replacing and she told me it's some guy called Jayson. Never heard of the name before but I had some ideas in my head at that time. Got to gym and started with Brian's Body Step class. The crowd was rather little tonight but we had fun doing it. At that moment I had decided to join RPM and not Body Combat tonight. So after the class I quickly set up my board and bars and quickly ran into my locker to grab my car keys to my car to get my another shoe. Ran back up and quickly take my place.

While I was in the locker I saw Andy and by then I know Sue P. won't be here tonight. Whatever. I need the exercise and I had already set up all my stuff in the room. Damn it was so darn packed tonight. So during the Lunges track, I ran down together with Anthony and Wilson to queue up for RPM class. Got a bike and ran back up to continued with the Shoulder Track. Damn, he was doing Tribal Dance. Finished up the class and quickly changed my shoe and waited for the next class. It was my second time joining Brian's RPM class. Had requested a track from him in the locker last minute. Because The Night AGAIN for Track 7. LOL!!! What to do, the song got Ommph!!! I really push myself really hard tonight as it was the last class and I gave it my all. Sweat extra more tonight and it was so satisfying.

PS: For certain someone, me not joining BP class didn't necessary mean that I gained weight. I practically lose a lot since last time. :Þ

Monday, July 13

I Am So Gonna Sweat It OUT!!!!

I ate so much last weekend (or so I think I did) so it's gonna be a hard long workout at the gym this week for me. Started off with Riyo's Body Step class tonight as usual. Was able to get a nice spot as I was one of the first to place my board in the class. But when the class was about to start, found out that some one placed their board and another for her friend right next to me and behind me. It was so darn close. I think SOS would know who am I talking about. The lady who always wore the latest Nike attire. Yup, it's her. The track selection was nice tonight and we finished the class up with Tribal Dance. Sweet~!

Straight away run down to signed up for Herny's RPM class but was surprised that there were already a queue (I'm no. 9) signing for the class. This was a first for me. Pray that there were still bike available when it's my turn. Yes, got a bike next to the glass door. There were this new trainee, Garreth riding with her tonight. Tracks selection was really tough and I did extra hard too tonight as I really wanted to burn the extra calories I'd gained from the weekend. During Track 3 while we're doing the sited climb, the music suddenly went off. Everyone was shouting and I saw that the whole TV outside was off too and informed Herny. But it was back again after 10 seconds or so. Sp continued with the class and hell was upon us during Track 7 which is so damn tough.

Catch my breath and continued with the third class. I think some one requested some tracks tonight and it was some nice selections too. Class was a bit pack tonight and I think BQ was a bit annoyed with M'sian Idol at some point. Told you to stand behind me dear. LOL!!! Didn't continued with K-Bear's Body Pump class as it was too late for me. Man Behind The Pillar tried to persuade me to joined but sorry, I am not in the mood. LOL!!! But when I heard that they were doing Summer Rain, I was tempted to get a board and do the Chest Track. kekeke!!!

  1. The One And Only / Calling All Lovers
  2. Beat It
  3. Field of Dreams
  4. Zombie
  5. Hymn
  6. That's Right
  7. Let The Beat Control Your Body
  8. Night Life
  9. Not Gonna Get Us
  10. Red Warrior

Sunday, July 12

A Pork-a-licious Dinner

So how was my weekend? Well it all started this Saturday morning with breakfast with my family and continuing to KU to check out the IR2 show house. Well it was mostly because my brother and mom wanted to look at the actually unit (Ya, I'd been there last weekend). While doing the espionage session to my unit again I received a call from a friend who heard that I am going to some where big for dinner tonight. He's interested and wanted to join me. So it was ON then, I quickly got home and got the number for Elcerdo and book a table for 4.

I had wanted to try out this restaurant for like ages but couldn't have the time and also company to go with me. It's either I have company but couldn't have the time or vice versa. We arrived around 7.20pm and the place was already almost full. We were seated at the smoking area (as non-smoking was full) but it didn't saw anyone smoking there at all. Ambiance was really fantastic and food was great. Like I mentioned earlier, food are just compliment to the best company you could have. We finish off the dinner and decided to have some drinks and drove back to P.J for a second round. Finish off around midnight and we bid farewell. Damn it was a long day but I totally love it. Finally I can say that I had a pork-a-licious dinner from nose to tail with the best company.

Thursday, July 9

Body Pump 71 Sizzler (Updated)

Just to cleanse everyone thirst for the new release of Body Pump 71. Yes, you heard me right. I know Body Pump 70 was just being launched few weeks back and we're still in the midst of doing it. But since that I got the news on the track list for the new release. Thought to share it with everyone in here. It's not finalize but it's something for you to ponder while waiting for it.

Warm Up: Magnetized - James Sampson
Squats: Summer of 69 - Mega-Mania
Chest: Right Round - Flo Rider
Back: When Love Becomes A Lie - Liz Kay
Triceps: Black Fingernails, Red Wine - Eskimo Joe
Biceps: What I've Done - Linkin Park
Lunges: Doesn't Matter - Hypasonic Vs. Jorg Schmid (Harcore till I die)
Shoulders: Operation Blade - Public Domain
Abs: Circus - Britney Spears
Cooldown: Sober - Pink

The new Body Pump 71 is said to be more easier to be teach by the instructors. They have to connect with the members and make them participant in the magic of the music and workout. This release focuses in strength workout during Track 3, 5, 6 & 8 while cardio dynamite on Track 2, 4 & 7. The Squats track is going to be a killer with a lot of Singles & Bottom Halves. Most of the workout is done with a wide stance so you can go lower where it hurts most. If you think the pain is over, think again. There is 4 sets of identical moves during the Chest Track with NO RECOVERY and you are gonna finish it all off with PUSH UP.

For the Back track, there will be 4 sets of Clean & Press in a ROW followed by TRIPLE ROWS. For the Triceps all I can say is prepare yourself for the bottom halves CHALLENGE. Nothing big in Biceps as the song is very straight forward and letting you enjoy the song. Then find how LOW you can go with the Lunges track where cardio meets butt. The Shoulder track should be a challenge as the track concentrate or attact from three different direction mainly back, side and front.

PS: Thanx again Glen for the updates.

Tuesday, July 7

All In A Day's Work

Woke up as early as 4.30am this morning. I slept around 10.30pm but it's so hard for me to fall asleep. I think I felt asleep only after midnight or so. Reason was I need to be at Iskandar before 9am. Started my journey at 5am after picking up my boss. Reached Iskandar City around 8.30am. After the whole CIIM arrived we were taken into the meeting room to be given some introduction of the much hyped Nusajaya and Kota Iskandar. IIB brought us all for a site visit on future developments and continued with lunch at the new gold golf.

Meet up with the CM and his staffs from the Johor Corporation. Another long presentation of what Johor had to offer and also existing Pasir Gudang and Tg. Langsat. I think by now I am so familiar with Johor's population and how much GDP they have each year. Rushed over to another meeting with the Chief Office of both MITI and MIDA. Although it's a lengthy presentation again but we were given refreshment and I think one of the best of the day. By then it's already 6pm. Quickly bid farewell to the members of CIIM and the staff of MITI & MIDA for their wonderful food. Reached PJ before 9pm. Head is so damn heavy right now. Too much coffee I think. Early rest again tonight as I got another early appointment again tomorrow. Now tell me again, am I very free right now to you? haha!!!

Monday, July 6

iPhone 3G S For Booking Online

Just found out that some stores at Low Yat already selling the highly anticipated iPhone 3G S last week. The model come with two size, which is 16GB and 32GB. Accidentally bumped into this ad when I was walking to lunch just now when I saw the phone was for booking online. They are selling the 16GB for Rm2900 while 32GB for RM3300. For those who is interested you can go to this website for more details.

Saturday, July 4

Transformer II - Revenge of The Fallen

It's been a while since I lost wrote my last movie review. Don't get me wrong, I do watch them but only write of those which is worth writing. And from the poster above you should have guess what movie I am talking about. I know it's been a week and most of the people had watched it or at least know how the story goes, so no harm of me telling my side of the story now, right? The movie, Transformers 2 - Revenge of The Fallen. So who is this fallen guy you ask? Well, we will get to that part soon.

Story continues 2 years after the fall of Megatrone's and his Decepticons. But the story doesn't ends there. There are still a few (which is under-rated) of them disguising themselves around the world looking for something. Watching the autobots transforms themselves was so damn exciting and do brought back memories since I was small. Not gonna spoilt the story here but just to say that The Fallen is a Prime (similar to Optimus) but one of the original decedent from the past. He's still alive and will only return when the last Prime (Optimus) is defeated. And his wish did come true. Was truly devastated when I saw Optimus drew his final breath or energy.

So what do I think of the whole movie? Superb directing, Michael Bay out did himself again this time. The fighting scene was so nicely and precisely directed from the battle at Shanghai till the one in the jungle and the last at the Egypt. Story line not that complicated so you don't have to punish your brain that much to understand. Some minor lost of characters and dead end but I can accept that. Cause the good guys always win at the end. Couldn't wait for the 3rd installment which I heard is in discussion and will focus more outside Earth to Cybertron perhaps. (Rating: 4.5 out of 5.0)

Watching a 2.4 hour long movie requires some major comfortable seats and best sound system. So for this, I had decided to go Gold. My first time watching in one so a bit jakun. No combo sets in the lounge as they only have standard pop corn and tin carbonated drinks. But they do allow us to purchase from outside. 30 seats in the cinema which is just nice. All are couple seats so there's only 15 couples in the cinema. Got myselves the seat at the middle of the cinema. Sweet. Big comfy sofa reclining seats with comforters. Even saw somebody brought their own big pillow to the cinema.

Pet World 2009 @ Midvalley

It was Saturday afternoon and I am queuing up for tickets with babe for the Pet World 2009 at Midvalley. Upon entering heard some one calling my name from a far. Oh my, it was Shane from gym. He told me that he was from the organizer of the show and from the DSLR he's holding I can guess that he's been appointed to shoot the pictures in the show.

Was really amazed with this fella who was holding his pet. Yes, it is a racoon. How rare can this sight be. Definitely worth a shot. But it was really hard taking one as the racoon was always moving around. Guess this is the best shot I had.

Saw this sad Doberman laying on the floor while I am passing by. I still prefer them to be black. Like the one I had at home.

This is the black Doberman which I mentioned about. This is just a pup. Oh he's so obedient and cute.

Lots of companies ranging from grooming school, pet food manufacturers, pet shop, shelters and lots more can be found at the fair.

OMG, this Pommeranian is so freaking CUTE!! Yes, he's trying to sleep while I am taking this picture.

This is definitely my highlight of the whole fair. It's a pure breed, shimmering silver coated Miniature Schnauzer. He is so active and it took me more than 20 pictures to get this one right. So elegant and so smart is what I can say. Definitely something I am gonna have one day.

No this is not a dog. It's a rabbit dress in an angel costume. They are having this Dress Up Your Rabbit Competition. And this all white Angel Rabbit won. Well deserved for him as he was so damn cute in that costume complete with angel wings and the round circle on top of the head.

What yer looking at? I got this picture perfect shot and might as well been my best shot of the day. Hear me roar!!!!

Didn't stay long as I need to rush home for my movie session at 1Utama. Well spent RM10 for two for the afternoon. If you're an animal lover this is the best to be on the weekend.

Friday, July 3

Joanne's Birthday cum Farewell Dinner

It was Friday night and after a rushing RPM class at Consplant, I rushed to the bakery shop to get a birthday cake. Rush home to pick up my babe and off we go to Solaris Mount Kiara. Why the rush? Well it's all for a good cause. It was our dear friend Joanne's farewell cum pre-birthday dinner. Venue is non other than Tenji Japanese Buffet. All of us had a filling dinner that night.

After dinner, we decided to have the cake cutting ceremony outside the restaurant. Was supposed to be Starbucks but the place was really small. So we decided on this place called D' Empress. Most of us made it for the dinner and all I on behalf of the BKLTL members would like to wish our KNSQ,
All The Best in Your Future Undertaking and also a
Happy Birthday to you babe~!

M y Future House Site Visit - Jul 09

This is the name of the location which my future home gonna be. Can't resist to snap a picture of this sign at the side of the guard house. I like shiny stuff .... hehe!!

Managed to sneaked in today during lunch hour. Major construction going on during my visit. And here is my future home. Although it's not all ready and nice but you can see the skeleton and shape of the house right now. Progression is really up to pace right now. Sweet!

The house on the furthest left is mine and the one on the furthest right is my future neighbour and you know who you are right bro. I know you can't make it over to check your unit out. So here's the best I can do. Enjoy.

Thursday, July 2

Now You Know Why

This was a joke which I heard yesterday night during supper.

Anonymous: It was really jam last Monday and also Wednesday.

Me: Yes, it took me like half an hour to reach my office (which only need 10 - 15 on normal day).
I think it started from the road in front of Damansara Intan towards Bangsar.

Anonymous: No, la. I heard it was some accident which happened in KL which caused the jam till PJ.

ALL: (look at each other and ..... ) HAHAHAHA!!!
(I think we're still laughing after 5 minutes)

Me: Ya right, like someone was changing a flat tire at KLCC and it cause a jam till Shah Alam toll.

Well the conversation is not exactly as above but you get the main idea what was so funny. Yes, no money for guessing who said that.

What The???

I was looking for a parking when I arrived at Consplant this evening. It was around 5pm when I arrived. Thought of joining Cindy's Body Pump class since I was able to make it early today. Finally found a spot right in front (my usual spot) but I was parking parallel to the road and not side ways. Got down and decided to go back again to check on my parking is it too out to the road?? Then I noticed that my front tire was a bit flat but this is normal as the road sometimes do some tricks to our eyes. Then I realized that my rear tire was even flatter. This is not normal. So I walked over and press on it. Damn it was out of air but not totally. So I quickly got back to my car and drove to the nearest petrol station which is the one next to McD.

Quickly filled in the air and it was almost flat when I arrived. After filling it I drove over to a nearby tire shop and asked them to check for me. After some checking (visually) and using soap (bubble test) they still can't find it. I suspect it's the white stone like object on the tire but the guy assured me it was just a stone. So he submerged the whole tire into the water and found that there a lot of bubbles coming out from one point. Yes, it was coming out from that white stone look a like thingy. He plied it out and was very amazed with the object. It was actually an animal tooth. Maybe a dog considering the size. Damn~ a tooth can puncture my tire. Luckily I managed to find out bout the flat tire earlier or else it would be too late when I drove home later after class and not noticing it as it would be very late by then. And will only notice bout it the next morning which would be very late by than and damaging my tire.

Wow~ long story. So what is the morale of the whole story? Always look out for your cars when even you're coming down or going in. You will never know what you will find or discover. It may even save your life.

Wednesday, July 1


As usual I was early for Wednesday night RPM class at Uptown. The amount of members in the class always fluctuates from week after week. It can be a full pack class one week and there will be 4 to 5 bikes left the next week. So it is really hard to predict when is when. So the story goes like this. We're supposed to be only able to sign up after 6.10pm (which is 20mins before the class starts). But then I saw some members walk over and talk with the front desk and I got a feeling that she got signed in before the time is due. So MD and me walk over and ask if we could sign in too. The front desk said that we need to wait till 6.10pm. But we said that someone else already signed in right? as we point to the form with the names on it. And guess what reply that she gave us? Cause these people are joining BB class (which is a class earlier than RPM). I was like WTH???

The need of singing in a class is to restrict members from joining to many back to back classes, as I understood. And she was telling me that these members were allowed to signed in before time cause they have no time to do so as they are joining a class earlier. This is so unbelievable. But that is not the main issue here. As I point to the girl who just sign in (which is standing at the pantry sipping her drink). NO, she is not doing any BB class. I think the front desk understand what we mean and she know that she got caught red handed. And what is the logical thing to do right now? She placed the list in front of us and ask us which bike do we want. We were stunned. And what will a true Malaysian do? "Bike No. 13 & 14" (while pointing to our usual bike). LOL!!! Ya, I know we're a bit cheapskate. But we got what we want, right?

So how was the class? Damn it was so darn hard. Extra harder than usual. As this is a challenge class we have two extra tracks from 3 and 6. We did some old time favourite tracks like True Believer, California Dreaming, Gangsta's Paradise, Zombie and Cry For You to name a few. I was like dying in between California Dreaming and Gangsta's Paradise and when we all heard Zombie, the whole class went crazy. Vincent was team teaching with Lilian tonight with the latter doing the first 5 tracks. Sweat a lot tonight and my legs were really sore after the class. So most probably be skipping Cindy's Body Pump class tomorrow. Had supper tonight after the class with the fellas. What a night, what a ride.

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